I’am the Queen of my Dreams

At the top of my dreams, I’m the queen

A queen who sees no evil, a queen who sees the good

At the top of my dreams, I’m the princess

A princess of charm, with ample beauty and peace

At the top of my dreams, I’m inevitable

tangible and unbelievable

but my dreams are as fragile as me

for what I desire tends to be not meant for me

but did I thought of the freedom to be real

to be me

embracing those imperfections and uncertainties within me

more than a powerful queen, more than a beautiful princess

I choose to be me,

with truthful desires of being happy and free

at the top of my dreams

i’m more than what my heart says and thee..


The Next Day She Became a Mother

one day she was staring at the window, dreaming of a fairy tale with a prince for a happy ever after

the next day she was gleaming in white, walking down the aisle to say “I do” with pride

the other day she was pregnant, expecting for their first-born

the next day she was a mother and in there…

love grew fonder

maturity widens and reality strikes like a thunder

made that everyday of her child better

sacrificed enough to fight those hunger

selfless enough to give that child a future with those ounce of will and power      

disciplined her child to ignite those strength and be braver

the next day she was old, with nothing but a feeling that is cold

will she be freed from those stories untold


that her child forgot how she was mold

that the child forgot those words that made her whole

never said those words and remained untold

so cold,

one day she was also a mother, gleamed in white and had some child

the next day she knew better, that love never dissipates but just gets fonder

that love is never said but done

that being a mother is incomparable, being a child will teach you how to be responsible

for the next day, you will be the mother of a child

and in there you will realize

that everyday is not a dream but a job, a career not a profession

a life well lived filled with genuine love, empathy, and concern

that being a mom, mother, mommy, inay, nanay is a gift

 and one day must not pass without you saying

“Thank you Mom, I love you, having you makes life worth living”